Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: Steelydust on November 18, 2011, 08:39 am

Title: Phenazepam
Post by: Steelydust on November 18, 2011, 08:39 am
Hey guys. I'm new, so I thought I'd introduce myself with a topic I know much about. I also want to make this thread for anyone here who happens to search for the term "phenazepam" through the forum.

Now, I don't see any phenazepam being sold on Silk Road, but I do see it being thrown in as a "free extra" on one listing. I'm sure most of you are perfectly capable of researching this drug's effects on your own, but there's tons of misinformation out there about it, as is the usual with research chemicals. I've personally ordered it about a dozen times over the past 2 years, from various vendors. I've had some fun times with it, and also some horrible experiences.

I once ended up taking about 500mgs of it. Don't ask how, I don't remember, it just happened. I blacked out for the next month. I went to jail, lost my home, car, job, everything. It's taken me a long time to recover from that experience, I still am recovering from it really. This chemical has the potential to be very destructive, very fast, when not respected.

If you buy this chemical in a pure powder form, the biggest obstacle you'll have is measuring out the doses. It's active in sub-milligram levels, so if you don't have a $200 scale, you're going to have to use other methods. Never eyeball the doses. Without a scale, the next best thing is liquid measurement. You either use Propylene Glycol USP (found at animal supply stores as a horse supplement or bought online) or everclear, and mix in a 1:1 ratio. So if you have 500mg of phenazepam, mix it with 500ml of solvent, and you'll now know that 1ml=1mg. Now you can measure out doses with an eyedropper.

On Wikipedia it says "Don't take more than 10mg a day." A natural reaction, for me at least, is to automatically assume I can easily handle 10mg. That's not the case, this drug is super powerful. Some have said that 2mg of phenazepam is equal to 1mg of xanax, but this is not the case. I've had lots of experience with both, and I know it's just not true, no matter how many people on the internet say it is. I believe it's the other way around, 1mg of phenazepam is equal to 2mg of xanax. I don't recommend more than 5mg in a 60-hour period.

Never redose. This drug takes 4 hours to reach it's peak, compared to xanax which only takes like 30 minutes. It's really easy to assume you haven't taken enough, and then take a larger amount, just to have things snowball to a benzo-induced amnesic blackout, followed by losing your social security card and letting your parakeets loose. The effects last 60 hours, so daily dosing tends to stack up onto itself. If you take 5mg now, and 5mg tomorrow, you'll be under the influence of 10mg. Only dose every 60 hours.

Because of the long onset time, and long effects time, this drug isn't much use for recreational purposes. It's an absolute godsend for anxiety, though. Just take 1 or 2mg, and you'll be anxiety-free for the next 60 hours. Any more than that, and it begins to zombify you.
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: microRNA on November 18, 2011, 09:09 am
Welcome to SR. I am very glad youre still around to visit. Since there are bound to be many inexperienced and possibly irresponsible curious cats perusing the road it is considerate to provide a warning and try to help others learn from your mishaps. I agree that no one should under estimate the potential potency or personal sensitivity to any novel compound, especially any of the less investigated "research chemicals." Good job spelling out some safe methods.
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: Leech on November 30, 2011, 03:34 am
Steelydust, excellent information!

From what I know this shit is potent, and I heard people also dilute it in water, ie. 100ml or so suspension, and you take a sip of that. I think 500mg is real fucked up. It's a surprise you are still alive.

And tell you lil bro's experience with this shit. He simply opened a zip-lock pack of some Phenazepam, took a peek in it. The powder was very fine, and he unknowingly inhaled some invisible dusts which flew about (when the package was opened), what happened next was he felt kinda drowsy and did had an early sleep, also being calmed for about 2 days thereafter.

Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: Rook on December 01, 2011, 09:14 pm
I have a gram of this stuff stashed away but haven't tried it yet.  I read a rather entertaining story on the BlueLight Forums about a guy who ended up blacked out for the better part of a month, wrecking cars, going to jail, losing track of his girlfriend.

It sounds like a pretty good time, but I've been so busy lately I'm just not sure when I'll have a month free to give the stuff a whirl ;)
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: nomad bloodbath on December 15, 2011, 04:23 pm
I have about 250mg of it myself.
I've got it around for when my benzo stash runs short for one reason or another.
Real nice to help ward off those benzo withdrawals.
But you absolutely need a very good scale.
1 mg twice a week when script runs out.
Great for true anxiety disorders.
Must respect the drug!!!
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: ChillyP on December 17, 2011, 09:23 pm
I picked up a bunch on the cheap a while back. Several grams I think. I just weighed out a gram, dumped it into a liter of PG, and dose it out at 1mg/ml. Never had any problems. It's not that great of a drug in my opinion, but can be very useful for long flights or going into a near-hibernation state :) . The horror stories are almost on par with datura though, almost unbelievable, but I'd rather not find out firsthand...
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: nomad bloodbath on December 17, 2011, 09:58 pm
me took about 3mg total this week...never redose phenazepam that's when amnesia kicks in and try to lay off the alcohol as this is where the amnesia usually originates from and is drawn out further after alcohol is introduced. This is where problems start.

Will report back after further research over the holidaze.
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: microRNA on December 18, 2011, 11:15 am
Thanks for the story mrgrey, actually got me laughing out loud. I have never tried phenazepam but for anyone utilizing liquid measurement I would be extremely careful with such a potent compound. A 2 mg/ml solution of alprazolam was incredible but there seemed to be a high degree of variation between the actual concentrations in each equal amount of liquid. People were blacking out and losing 2 or 3 days while others complained of their potency. Possibly didnt give everything time to completely dissolve and disperse or something. I lost most of the summer but had no anxiety which was wonderful... Interesting how benzos just bring out the real self underneath all the social stigma and inhibitions as with the fighting friends and my buddy who decides to go to stores and try to blatantly walk out with ipod speakers, etc and then gets arrested. Repeatedly
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: mju7 on December 19, 2011, 09:48 am
The half life is very long too, so you can still have residual effects for several days. If you are addicted it can take months to detox too.
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: dunk on December 19, 2011, 06:30 pm
This is one drug you shouldn't mess with unless you really, really know what your doing when dosing. It's great in small amounts but if you go overboard you'll probably turn into a raving maniac as has been said. When I was doing it a few years ago it turned me into a total kleptomaniac for some reason, many crazy times were had. I was also drinking poppy tea at the time and probably came close to ODing a few times.
I even tried making a solution of it in PG but I was a bit reckless and didn't let it dissolve and mix properly before sampling and blacked out for a few days, the problem is you don't pass out or anything you just turn into a zombie and who knows what might happen.
So yeah, be careful.
Title: Re: Phenazepam
Post by: foxymeow on December 20, 2011, 02:51 am
Fuck I said before it has landed everyone I know who has had it into SERIOUS FUCKING TROUBLE ranging from DUIs, to going to the hospital, to crashing their car, to getting arrested.


Please from one poly drug user to another...this is not a drug I wish on anyone. If you sell it to anyone they will be one time customers because if they get arrested and ruin their life they are not coming back to you.

My concious has never fully recovered from selling Phenazepam and I am ashamed about it to this die. It was the single greatest mistake I have ever made in my entire life.